Sowing the seeds to enable our community to flourish

"The environment must be rich in motives which
lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct their own experiences." - Maria Montessori
Kererū Class
Kererū Class is for our younger tamariki from 2 years old (they do not need to be toilet trained).
This class integrates Montessori philosophy with Te Whāriki; creating an environment where the focus is on music, movement, language, sensory play, stories, socialization, song, and dance. Children’s brains are like sponges at this age so we introduce simple songs and commands in te reo Māori as well as other languages that are supported by the kaiako.
At this stage of the children's learning journey, we are introducing the Montessori kaupapa of 'choose, use and put away' and some 'practical life' activities. These are great skills for life such as pouring, sweeping, gardening, dressing skills which support their growing independence. Our mat times are short and encourage participation through simple songs, stories, rhymes, and musical instruments.
Tamariki are active beings and so we are sure to spend a part of every day in the outside playground/garden. Kererū has its own playground which we utilize in the morning, and we join with the Tui class in the larger playground each afternoon. We regularly spend time in the bush where we enjoy watching birdlife, explore the trees, and extend our gross motor skills.


Tui Class
Tui Class is for our older tamariki from 3 1/2 years to
6 years old (approximately).
The children enjoy an environment that meets their learning and interests through a Montessori curriculum aligned with Te Whāriki - supporting a life of true well-being, independence, and responsibility.
The classroom is a peaceful place for focused work. Learning for tamariki is enhanced by the use of beautiful Montessori equipment where they can explore concepts of geography, science, mathematics and language. Children are encouraged to learn independently, practise their knowledge and then share this with other tamariki and kaiako so we truly become a community of learners. This follows the Māori concept of tuakana/teina.
The classroom is the children’s environment where they are encouraged to maintain its beauty through more advanced practical life skills, such wiping tables and doing dishes. Haruātai Park is our second classroom where we learn respectful ways to interact with our natural world.
Alongside whānau, the kaiako are helping to raise peaceful, respectful, compassionate citizens who are aware of their responsibility to maintaining the greater good for everyone.
Weekly Optional Charge (Over 3s only)
Under 12 hours - $25
13-24 hours - $35
25+ hours - $36
In addition, there is a $1/week charge for each family for membership to Montessori Association of New Zealand (MANZ).
Note: The optional charge is to cover services provided over and above what is required by the Ministry of Education, these include equipment and resources.
We require the optional charge to be paid in order to adhere to the Montessori Philosophy and curriculum that is the special character of our pre-school.
Children under 3
For children under 3 years old, there is an hourly charge of $7.50 per hour.
Children 3+, 30 hours ECE free
Up to 6 hours free per day.
For every hour over 30 hours a week and/or over 6 hours per day, $10.00 per hour.
Morning Montessori sessions operate daily:
9.00 am – 12.00 pm Monday to Friday.
All-day Montessori sessions operate daily:
8.45am - 2.45pm Monday to Friday.
Early starts are available from 8.30 am.
Late pickups are available until 3.30 pm.
We are now open all year apart from 4 weeks over the Christmas/New Year holiday period.