Sowing the seeds to enable our community to flourish

Ōtaki Montessori is an Incorporated Society managed by a committee of parents who meet monthly. You are welcome to join the committee and encouraged to come to meetings. All families become members of the Society on enrolment. This costs you nothing, but it does allow you to have a say at meetings.
We are a 'not- for-profit' Centre where parents/whānau are invited to be involved in various ways and where their voice is always valued. As we are a community-based Centre we thrive on your input – whether with fundraising, working bees, volunteering for excursions or supporting various projects. We believe everyone in our community has something of value to offer in creating a vibrant and supportive environment for all.
Ōtaki Montessori is nestled on the edge of beautiful Haruātai Park which forms an integrated part of our classroom learning experiences. Tui class spend one morning a week immersed in Nature’s classroom, and Kererū can often be seen out walking the track looking at birds, plants, snow on the ranges, and stretching their big body muscles.
We are committed to being living partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and honouring the principles of partnership, participation and protection through open communication with whānau, daily use of te reo and tikanga in the classroom, weekly kapa haka sessions, sharing myths and legends of Te Ao Māori, caring for our mara (gardens) and the bush, and ongoing training of our kaiako. We are currently all participating in a Te Ataarangi te reo course.
Our philosophy is a living document and is available for you to read on the parent/whānau noticeboard in the foyer of our Centre.
Our Centre newsletter can be viewed via email, on Educa, or on the notice board. Our kaiako (teachers) are available to discuss the learning and support needs of your tamariki – and are open to communicating in a way that suits you.